
GPShare - Billing

Please only complete this if you are signing up as part of a PCN. In order to qualify for the reduced rate, all member surgeries within your PCN must sign up to an annual subscription – at this point, you will all qualify for a new transfer rate fixed at £0.79p, rather than the standard £0.89p.

Accounts/Finance Department

Account Details

Billing/Payment Terms

Annual Subscription: £7.99 per month, 12-month contract = £95.88
Monthly Subscription: £9.99 per month, 30 day rolling contract
Transfer Fee Cost: Each transfer sent is charged at £0.79p each (payable monthly via direct debit).
Commence Date: Once payment has been successfully made and your account created


I understand and agree to undertake the responsibilities of operating the GPShare service within our environment. I have read the terms and conditions, understood the content and accept all responsibilities for the sensitive information uploaded to the platform. I will ensure the username(s) and password(s) remain confidential for IG and security purposes. I fully understand that failure to safeguard this information may result in my account being compromised and information being exposed to unauthorised persons or parties.

I also understand and accept that improper use/safeguarding of this information may lead to inaccessible and total unrecoverable loss of information for which GPShare will not be able to resolve. I accept GPShare cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or errors that arise, including damage and corruption to other files or processes within our network. My position within the organisation permits me to enter in this agreement in full acceptance of these terms.

Avilable Subscription Types:
  • Annual Subscription = £7.99 per month, 12-month contract = £95.88
  • Monthly Subscription = £9.99 per month, 30 day rolling contract

Total: £95.88