Why use GPShare?

GPShare - Why use GPShare?

There are many benefits to using GPShare, but here are the main ones:


This is one benefit we are incredibly proud of – driving savings through General Practice! If you haven’t already, we would strongly recommend you try out our GPShare Cost Calculator . Using this calculator, you can enter your own figures, specific to your surgery or PCN, and see how much you could be saving. As an example, if a surgery was to process and print 20 x 250-page documents over the month, it would cost approximately £7.52 each to produce (including postage) - in fact, we know in many situations, the postage alone can exceed £10! By using GPShare, you could achieve the same, yet quicker, easier and more secure, but for approximately £1.29 (including the subscription fee), therefore saving £6.23 per request, let alone the amount of time which has just been saved . . .


We hear stories all the time of how it takes 30 to 40 minutes to prepare a complete copy of medical records! By the time you’ve started printing the documents, ran out of paper because it was a large document, started printing again, placed in an envelope, walked to post office, queued and then finally posted. It amazes people that we can achieve the same outcome, all within 90 seconds . . . without having to leave your chair and saving the planet in the process!

Security & IG

Security of your patient data is so important to us, in fact it is the most important thing to GPShare, which is why we have such a robust platform and have a 100% success rate with ICB IG teams.

  • GPShare cannot see your data!
  • UK Data Centres ONLY
  • 256-bit encryption
  • 14-day transfer window (can be extended)
  • NHS Approved (ODS Code: 8KF13)
  • Completion of the Data Security & Protection Toolkit (DSPT) – achieving 'Standards Met' award
  • ICO Registered
  • 100% success rate with ICBs and IG teams regarding DPIAs

We were incredibly pleased to receive the below from an independent Information Governance Consultancy, Kafico Ltd, who represent a large number of surgeries across the UK:

"Thank you for such a swift response and a big thank you for such a comprehensive data protection section within your terms, you have no idea how much of a relief it is to have such an easy contract to review! Your DPIA is also incredibly comprehensive and answers a couple of questions I would have otherwise raised."


Using GPShare is probably the safest way to transport your documents to their intended recipient. With GPShare, you have the option to receive an email when the transfer has been accessed, an email when the data is downloaded and another email when the transfer is expired – all of these emails are customisable, therefore if you don’t wish to receive these, you can simply turn them off in your portal, the choice is all yours. Once the transfer has expired, you can still see when the transfer was opened and downloaded, so next time the recipient states they never received the information, simply head over to the GPShare portal and view when it was opened, who downloaded it as well as the date and time it was done.

Patient/Recipient Experience

Not only do you see a benefit to using GPShare, but so does the patient. Especially the way the world currently is, patients no longer have to drop into the surgery, sometimes queue for a reasonable length of time, only to collect some paperwork. Anyone receiving a transfer does not have to sign up and create an account. There are no usernames and passwords which need to be created, just a simple secure token which acts as a temporary password. We have a full suite of training videos and guides, to assist you and your staff, as well as the recipient, on how to get the most out of GPShare.